Premium Red Bird’s Nest AAA – 227 Grams (8 Oz.)

Premium Red Bird’s Nest AAA – 227 Grams (8 Oz.)

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  • USA most trusted brand
  • 100% all natural genuine red bird’s nest
  • Ultra premium quality
  • Strict health, safety, and sustainability standards
  • Incredible health benefits

100% Guaranteed Quality

Packaged in the USA
Maintains Youthful Skin
Supports Healthy Pregnancy
100% Hand-Washed
Healthy Supplement

We offer premium quality nests in White, Red, and Gold. No dyes or artificial colors.

What is Red Bird’s Nest?

What is Red Bird's Nest? Red bird nests, also known as blood bird nests, are the most highly-prized sustainable bird nests available on the market today. They are exceptionally rare to come across in nature and even harder to harvest in farms. The swallows’ special diet and micro-climate in areas in Indonesia give these nests their special blood color that doesn’t naturally accrue in areas outside of Southeast Asia.

The red bird nests are carefully aged to maturity for a unique taste and texture, which is why Golden Nest exclusively sells them at the highest quality: AAA. This means the nests have undergone rigorous examinations to conform to the highest standards in the industry in terms of form, shape, and purity. 

Golden Nest’s red bird nests are sourced cruelty-free in the most responsible way possible, not only to protect your health but to promote safe harvesting practices that protect the well-being of the Indonesian swallow population.

Even though the red nests look different, they are 100% all natural, sustainable, and 100% hand-washed. Try our red bird nests and you’ll see why Golden Nest is America’s #1 bird nest brand.

USA most trusted brand

We have become the number one selling brand of birds’ nest products in the USA since our establishment in 1995. Our innovative team has earned the reputation of selling only the highest quality birds’ nest products. Today, our premium products are sold in major supermarkets and Asian specialty stores throughout the USA. With Golden Nest, you can purchase with confidence.

Ultra premium quality

We pride ourselves for our premium birds’ nests. You can expect each grade level to deliver superior taste and texture, on top of having a luxurious protective packaging. Our proprietary 3-step traditional hand cleaning technique ensures that the nests remain intact without relying on bleaching or other dangerous chemicals.

100% All natural genuine bird’s nest

We have become the number one selling brand of birds’ nest products in the USA since our establishment in 1995. Our innovative team has earned the reputation of selling only the highest quality birds’ nest products. Today, our premium products are sold in major supermarkets and Asian specialty stores throughout the USA. With Golden Nest, you can purchase with confidence.

Incredible health benefits

Bird’s Nest has long been used in Chinese medicine as a super food because of its many health benefits. This natural product is composed of essential amino acids, potassium, calcium, iron, and many other minerals that strengthen the body. While it was traditionally reserved for the ancient royals and nobles, you can enjoy the same benefits from consuming this product today—especially if you purchase from Golden Nest.

A step above others

Rest assured that all of our products have gone through rigorous examinations and strict health, safety, and sustainability standards. Buying from us means that you will get authentic, high quality products every time.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews


demi tran

Premium Red Bird’s Nest AAA – 227 Grams (8 Oz.)

NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Good product

My mom loves it!

Tasted great!
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Premium Red Bird’s Nest AAA (8 Oz)

The Premium Red Bird’s Nest is top quality.

Nicholas Chou
Nice product

Worth every single penny

Frequently Asked Questions

Edible bird’s nest is made out of bird saliva which has solidified. We hand wash each nest to ensure they are clean. Moreover, we provide a wide range of different grades in each nest category to accommodate each of our client’s needs.

Eating a bird’s nest on an empty stomach, which is usually in the morning when a person wakes up, is ideal because eating on an empty stomach helps you maximize absorbance. Consuming bird’s nest before sleeping is also excellent for your body because concentrations of different hormones increase after about one hour into sleeping, which allows the bird's nest to be absorbed into the body more efficiently.

There is no expiration date but it needs to be refrigerated as soon as the bag is opened or when the seal is broken. After opening, it needs to be refrigerated at all times. It is best to put in the freezer if you are storing it for more than a month.

In Chinese culture, edible bird’s nest has been associated with promoting skin health and has been known to help with skin moisturizing.

Boiled egg whites are the closest you can get to describing the consistency of edible birds’ nests. The bird’s nests are often boiled in water to create a gelatinous texture to add to soup, rice and a variety of dishes.

With the continued development of sustainable bird’s nest farms, interactions between bird’s nest farms and swiftlets are hospitable and safe for the birds.

Bird nest farms are designed to be safe environments for swiftlets, mimicking locations where the birds would build their nests in the wild. The swiftlets independently flock to the farms and build their nests in these farms. The swiftlets use the farms to incubate their little ones, which in turn hatch, learn to fly, and eventually leave the nest. Once the swiftlets leave the nest, bird nest farmers can harvest the bird nests. Swiftlets instinctively build a new nest every season so there is always a healthy supply of bird nests.

Golden Nest always prides itself in sourcing its nests from cruelty-free swallow farms where workers take the utmost care in harvesting nests. We take environmental responsibility seriously, which is why we only partner with local communities who use sustainable, eco-friendly farming practices.